Recently, Actor Rana Daggubati announced via social media to his fans that he has found himself the right partner in life. The star of the Baahubali said he had suggested Miheeka Bajaj and said yes.
Not many knew before the announcement, that Rana and Miheeka were in a relationship. Now, the actor has in an interview revealed more about his proposal and the reactions of their families to the big news. Rana said Miheeka has a company that manages events and is in 'good, nice stuff.'
rana daggubati

"The Miheeka was born in Hyderabad. She lives in Jubilee Hills right next to us. She could speak Telugu, not fluent but yes. Our cultures, too, are similar. The fun thing is she and my family are friends and I know her circle of friends in Mumbai, "he said of her. Speaking of the plan, Rana said Miheeka was already aware of what he was asking her for.
rana daggubati

"When I called her, she understood where I am getting to. So then, in person, she met me, that is it. I remember saying a whole host of things together. It was pretty rough for me. This was commitment. This is the moment I felt able to do this when I met her. It was as plain as that, for sure, "he said. Rana added that he never thought consciously about marrying someone from the film industry, or not marrying. "I never focused on it. I met her and I liked her. That's it. I have found love,' he said.

The actor agrees that, given the coronavirus pandemic that has gripped the world, he has chosen a weird time to tie the knot. When asked if his marriage will be grand, he said, "Depends on the situation in the world. I have found the weirdest moment to get married.

The couple recently posted pictures from a celebration when their families met. "And it is official," the couple 's photo he captioned. In a matching lungi, Rana sported a white shirt, while his fiancee wore a multicolored sari. Miheeka also posted ceremonial images and wrote, "To the beginning of eternity."

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