The location has links to the tales called the Ramayana in the Hindu Indian epic. According to the epic, when Ravana the king of Asuras abducted Lord Sri Rama's Sita wife and tried to take her to his Lanka kingdom on his Pushpaka Vimana, Jatayu; the giant bird opposed Ravana and it led to a war between them. During the war Ravana cut one wing of Jatayu and fled with Sita to Lanka. Jatayu falls down on top of a big rock with a fatal wound. Rama & Lakshmana later found Jatayu injured, and he passed the message and died on Rama's laps. The rock has got the name Jadayupara, therefore.
Jatayu is Aruiba 's son and Garuda's nephew who has the form of a vulture. Jadayu Para is well known for being a tourist destination and a pilgrimage spot. The creation of a massive functional sculpture of the Great Bird Jatayu is under way right on top of the rock. On top of Jadayupara is being installed an 18 ft high Statue of Lord Sri Rama Chandra.
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