Dil Bechara trailer from Sushant Singh Rajput released Monday amid much excitement and left many of his fans in tears. His one dialog in a poignant sequence, 'We can't determine the time of our birth or death but we can determine how to live life that was especially appealing to the spectators. It was enough to leave viewers in tears as they paid tribute to the actor who died earlier in June. More YouTube 'likes' have accrued in the Dil Bechara trailer than the Avengers trailer.

The Dil Bechara trailer has been 'liked' more than 5.4 million times within less than 24 hours of release. The film will mark the last appearance on screen of actor Sushant Singh Rajput who died on June 14 as a result of suicide.

Actress Sushmita Sen recently watched Sushant Singh Rajput's final film Dil Bechara's trailer and wrote a heartfelt note in which she appreciated his work, saying she "loved the trailer."She added, "I wish I knew him, had the opportunity to work with him... but most of all, we would have had the time to discuss the mysteries of the 'Universe' from one Sush to another." Sushmita Sen, whose recent web series Aarya was a big success, wrote, "I personally didn't know Sushant Singh Rajput...only through his films and some interviews."

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