The actor 56-year-old Anil Murali died on Thursday at Ernakulam's private hospital. iHe was being treated for Liver disease. The actor was known primarily for his role as a villain. For over 200 films, Anil had acted. He also performed impressive roles in character.

The movie Kanyakumariyil Oru Kavitha directed by Vinayan, Anil entered the film industry in 1993. In Valkannadi, he played Kalabhavan Mani first prominently. He also worked on television shows. This was seen last in Forensic's Tovino Thomas, released this year in February. His last film will be Professor Dinkan, which is still to be released.

"Anil Murali 's deepest condolences for his death," Kerala chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan said. "He acted well on villain and character roles in malayalam, Tamail and telugu. 

Some of his famous movies include Lion, Baba Kalyani, 4 July, Annan Thambi, Manikkakallu, Thappana, Amen, Ramaleela, Puthen Panam, Double Barrel and Pokkiri Raja. He has also appeared in over 15 films in Tamil and Telugu and in the 2015 Thani Oruvan blockbuster in Tamil.

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