The new multi-story building which now houses the Kerala High Court was laid by India's then Chief Justice, Justice M. N. Venkatachaliah on 14 March 1994. Construction costs were estimated at 10 crore Indian rupees. The work was completed in 2005 at a cost of 85 crore Indian rupees. On 11 February 2006, the completed High Court building was inaugurated by India's chief justice, Justice Y. K. Sabharwal. The new High Court building is equipped with modern amenities such as video conferencing, air-conditioned courtrooms, internet, facilities for retrieving copies of orders and publishing the status of the case online.
The building is constructed on 5 acres of land with nine floors and has a built-up area of 550,000 square feet. The building includes a post office, bank, medical center, library, canteens, and other facilities and services most needed. Since the date of its inauguration, the Kerala High Court has moved from the adjacent .. Palace, where it had run.
Currently the High Court of Kerala's sanctioned judge strength is 27 Permanent Judges including the Chief Justice and 20 Additional Judges. The judges sit as Single (one judge), Division (two judges), Complete (three judges) or certain other benches with greater powers, depending on the significance and complexity of the issue to be adjudicated.
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