Kerala Police has its headquarters in Thiruvananthapuram, the state capital with Kerala Police Academy in Thrissur, which runs full-time basic courses for sub-inspectors, Armed Police Constables, Women Constables, Police Drivers and Telecommunication Police Constables.
The Chief of State Police is an IPS official with the rank of police director general. The Geographical State Area is bifurcated as South Zone and North Zone, headed by Additional Police Director General, for proper administration. Furthermore, each region is divided into two ranges respectively viz Thiruvananthapuram Range & Ernakulam Range, Thrissur Range & Kannur Range, which is headed by a Police Inspector General. The rank of Deputy Inspector General of Police / Superintendent of Police ranks as the case is, there are five police commissioners and 14 police districts headed by District Police Chiefs.
Crime Branch Crime Investigation Department (CBCID) is Kerala Police's specialist investigation division, which investigates cases assigned to it by the Chief of State Police or the Government or the Kerala High Court.
Travancore Police
Mr. T Madhava Rao, in his Administration Report for 1867 A.D., praised the Police System, stating that "A very high degree of protection of persons and properties has now been attained in Travancore. Men and women, the latter with costly ornaments, travel by highways, night and day without apprehension."
In 1940 high education men are often chosen to fill places in subordinate ranks.
Malabar Police
After Tippu Sultan 's invasion, the many Naduvazhis left Malabar leading to utter chaos. Captain Watts trained 500 Armed Policemen when British ruled Malabar in 1810. They took over from the then established wing (including Kolkar, Defedars and Jamedars) the policing duties. An additional 1600 Kolkars have been trained and added to the Police job.
In 1816 As the police power in a village was vested with the village of Adhikari according to the rule, the power of Taluk Police was vested with the Thahasildar and police control was vested with Police Amins in important cities. All the above-mentioned functionaries had to work under District Magistrate supervision. The sepoys under Revenue Department supervision even had to perform the duties of police constables in this scheme.Then South Malabar Police Superintendent Mr. Hitchcock formed a new British Army model police force that came into being in 1921 as the Special Police of Malabar. Hitchcock himself was Malabar's first Special Police Commandant. In 1932 the force increased its strength to 16 companies.
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