Shah tweeted "Divas Kargil Vijay symbolizes India 's sovereignty, bravery and unwavering leadingness. I bow to soldiers, who driven the enemy from the inaccessible Kargil hills with their uncompromising bravery and waved the tri-color again. The country is proud of India 's heroes who are dedicated to defending the motherland"
The defense minister said, "India has been assured protection and security because of the relentless bravery and loyalty of our armed forces.I am also thankful to those who continue to represent the country in their own way , despite being disabled, and have set examples worthy of the nation's emulation.I would like to congratulate on the 21st anniversary of Kargil Vijay the courageous Indian Armed Forces soldiers, who fighted the enemy under the most daunting circumstances in recent memory."
On 26 July 1999, the Indian army defeated Pakistan, which marked Kargil Vijay Diwas as the day of reinvigorating the patriotism and bravery of the soldiers who engaged in Vijay Operation.In India Operation Vijay began to clear the posts of Pakistani military and infiltrations on the Indian side of the control line in the high-level Kargil area.India lost 527 military personnel in war
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