The bridge was first mentioned in Valmiki 's written Ramayana, where his Vanara army had it built in the god Rama to enter Lanka and rescue his wife Sita from Ravana.The Ram Setu Floating Stone Bridge is a natural bridge, built by limestones , according to the scientists.The bridge carbon test and the Ramayana time both synchronize properly. Ram Setu remained walkable until AD 1480.Some volcanic rocks do float in the water, scientists say. The mystery of the floating stones may be explained.
Speaking about Ram Setu Floating Stone There's a fight going on between science and spiritual belief since ages. While science is all about proof and truth, spirituality is focused on convictions.Ram Setu Floating Stone created by Lord Rama, in line with Hindu mythology. Because of the name Rama written on the rocks the stone floats on the water.Scientists had clarified that the pumice stones may be Ram Setu Floating Stone. Pumice stones ram setu are those stones floating on water.The pumice stones consisting of a hardened lava foam that falls out when a volcanic eruption occurs.volcano from the inside has a high pressure because when the lava that comes out of the volcano meets the cold water it doesn't sink into the water immediately.The temperature of the water and the lava is completely different, and when the lava reaches the water it gives a cold shock. As a consequence it immediately freezes. The bubbles trapped within the stone provide it with a spongy appearance that lets it float in water.
There is substantial diversity of opinion and uncertainty about the essence of this system and its roots. Two main hypotheses had been influential in describing the system in the 19th century. One considered it to be built by the cycle of land accretion and rising, while the other thought it was created by the breaking away of Sri Lanka from the Indian mainland. Later, the friable calcareous ridges split into wide rectangular blocks, which may have given rise to the assumption that the causeway was an artificial structure.
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