On Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi would inaugurate Asia's largest solar power plant in Rewa district of Madhya Pradesh, which the government has said would minimize pollution equivalent to about 15 lakh of carbon dioxide annually.

The Prime Minister dedicated the 750-megawatt ultra-megawatt solar power plant to the nation through video conferencing, which the government has said would minimize emissions equivalent to around 15 lakh tons of carbon dioxide per year.

"Not just today but in the 21st century solar energy will be a significant medium of energy needs. Since solar energy is free, pure and stable, "said the Premier.

"Rewa has really been writing history today. Rewa is marked with mother's name Narmada and white tiger. Now, it's also added the name of Asia's biggest solar power plant, "he said.

Governor Anandiben Patel of Madhya Pradesh, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy RK Singh and Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan were virtually among those present at the opening.

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