Previews of Regulating Act of 1773
- The British Government took the first step to oversee and control the affairs of the company in India.
- The Act limited the company's dividends to 6 percent before a £1.5 m loan was repaid and the Court of Directors restricted it to four years.
- The Bengal Governor Warren Hastings to Governor-General of Bengal and subsumed the Madras and Bombay presidencies under the control of Bengal. It laid the groundwork for centralized government in India.
- Governor of Bengal became Governor General of Bengal with a four-man executive council to help him. Decisions would be taken by majority vote, and the Governor General could vote only in the event of tie.
- A supreme court was set up in Calcutta, at Fort William. British magistrates were to be sent to India to administer the British legal system used there.
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