Srinath Rajendran directs the film about Sukumara Kurup, a 33-year-old murderer who escapes from the Kerala polices. Sukumara Kurup is charged with murdering and using the dead body of the former man Chacko and his own death. After everyone thought he was dead, Sukumara Kurup was trying to collect a large amount of insurance cash.
In Sukumara Kurup 's vehicle, Chacko was killed and burned to such an extent that the face of the body was not recognizable. Yet within two days, it was Chacko who died rather than Sukumara Kurup that the police knew. While two others were arrested and found guilty over time, Sukumara Kurup himself disappeared into the fine air.
The police in Kerala carried out hundreds of raids and searchs in the country over time, but Sukumara Kurup has not been identified to this day as a truly notorious legend among the Malayalees.
The story about Sukumara Kurup has been influenced over the years by some of the films from Malayalam-NH47 and Pinneyum, and the most recent one was the Dulquer starrer Kurup. It's odd, whether it's glorified as a 'wise' villain, or a brutal killer, that the film depicts Sukumara Kurup..
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