Following his test results, Actor Amitabh Bachchan, who was diagnosed with Covid-19 in the Nanavati Hospital in Mumbai on 11 July, was released. His son Abhishek Bachchan tweeted though that he would remain in hospital and had not yet tested negative.
Minister Kamla Rani Varun of Uttar Pradesh Cabinet is dead of Lucknow coronavirus. She was sixty-two. The Minister tested the coronavirus positively on 18 July and helped the last few days with respect to oxygen and ventilator. In the meantime, Bharatiya Janata Party's Uttar Pradesh chief, Swatantra dev Singh, was optimistic and quarantined at home.
After testing positive for the coronavirus, Union Home Minister Amit Shah was admitted to the Medanta City Hospital in Gurugram. He requested people to be excluded and checked who had come into contact with him.
In the background of the coronavirus pandemic the center released new Guidelines for passengers arriving in India via international flights. It replaces that which was published on 24 May and is effective on 8 August. The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has said that states can establish its own quarantine and isolation protocol after passenger assessment.
Banwarilal Purohit, Governor of Tamil Nadu, tested coronaviral positive but in a stable condition is asymptomatic, according to a statement from one of the hospitals in Chennai.
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