On 5 August, Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation for the building of the Ram Temple at Ayodhya. In a mega event in Ayodhya the temple bhoomi pujan was performed by the PM along with Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath and other members.
The Ram Mandir design has been widely debated. The temple was first decided to be smaller in size and will have three domes.But the temple will now have a height of 161 feet and five domes, instead of three.The temple will be installed in a 70-acre plot. Raising the number of pillars from 212 to 360.
The Sompura family, who knew to have built similar great temples throughout the world, was entrusted with the responsibility for the construction of the temple.
While the social media and the potential cost of building the temple have been calculated several times, architects estimate the cost at about Rs 300 crore. When the temple work begins, the number is projected to increase. A while ago the process of raising funds for the building of the temple was started.
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