Krishna Janmashtami is an annual Hindu festival, celebrating the birth of Krishna, Vishnu 's eighth avatar. It is observed on the eighth day of the Krishna Paksha in Shraavana or Bhadrapad according to the Hindu lunisolar calendar, which overlaps with the Gregorian calendar of August or September.Lord Krishna was born in Rohini Nakshatra on the Ashtami date in the month of Bhadrapada according to mythology
Whatsapp and Facebook wishes and greetings:
May the flute of Lord Krishna guide your path towards and accomplished and fulfilled life and invite the melody of love into your life. Wishing everyone Happy Janmashtami.
Celebrate the birth of the Almighty! Spread the bliss of Janmashtami! Wishing you and your family a happy and blessed Janmashtami.
May Lord Krishna come to your house this Janmashtami and light the lamp of happiness! Happy Janmashtami
Today is a very precious day as someone special was born to fight against inhumanity and save the trust in God. Happy Janamashtami!
May Lord Krishna always give you happiness, love, prosperity and peace. Happy Janmashtami to you!
May you and your family be showered with love, peace and prosperity this Janmashtami. Wishing everyone Happy Janmashtami!
Celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna who enchants everyone with his playful mischiefs. Have a happy and blessed Krishna Janmashtami!
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