Mizoram Chief Minister Zoramthanga published a series of poems, 'Corona Kavithakal,' written during the lockdown by Governor PS Sreedharan Pillai.Zoramthanga thanked the governor for his exceptional achievement during the book release ceremony held Saturday in Raj Bhavan.
"I used to wake up early in the morning at 4 a.m. and start reading and writing after exercise. After my official job, I stayed in my reading room during the day, which has become a normal occurrence," he said.
"Corona Kavithakal" deals with pandemic philosophical issues and his other poem Vayojanam (Elderly) focuses on the topic of human helplessness and how nature helps people cope with the pandemic. The poem Mahamari (Pandemic) states that human will has the capacity to take on adversities. Pillai said coronavirus is man's greatest threat.
His first book appeared in 1983. He had written 105 books before becoming the governor. He has published at least 121 books in various categories including poetry so far.
Gauhati High Court Chief Justice Ajai Lamba has also published two more books, 'Republic Day 2020' and 'Thus Speaks the Governor,' written by Pillai, via a video.
State Congress president Lal Thanhawla and Lalnunmawia Chuaungo chief secretary took part in the event.
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