Patanjali's life history is unknown. It has many inconsistencies and stories. The birth of the Maharshi Patanjali is not exactly proof. The dates of the birth and life of Patanjali vary by a thousand years. Many scholars date back to the second and third centuries BC, although others argue that he had to exist in the fourth and seventh centuries BC. This causes ambiguity as later authors allow changes and improvements to his plays. Maharishi Patanjali is believed to have existed in Nepal, Kashmir, Sri Lanka and various parts of India.
Throughout Matsya, Vayu and Skanda Purana, there is an clarification regarding Patanjali that the existence of Vyas and Panini is confirmed by Patanjali. Rishis had a vast understanding of yoga, and existed for centuries. They had the right to live or die as they wished.
The Yoga Sutra author was also called Patanjali. As the roots of yoga have been transmitted over centuries from ancient times in an oral culture. In Yoga Patanjali is one of Hindu philosophy's well-known darshan. Patanjali has synthesised and integrated much older style yoga knowledge. The Yoga Sutra is a central part of the classical philosophy of Yoga.
196 Sanskrit sutras is arranged in four chapters in the Yoga sutras. Sometime between 500 BCE and 200 BCE the yoga sutras were written. According to its topics, they are, Samadhi Pada, Shadhana Pada, Vibhuti Pada and Kaivalya Pada, all four chapters of the Patanjali Yoga Sutra.
The first part of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras is called Samadhi Pada. It gives a description and purpose of yoga. Specific methods to accomplish the yoga goals are included.The second chapter provides a realistic approach to accomplish yoga objectives. Sadhana Pada There were also some eight yogic extremities called Astanga yoga.The performance, strength and manifestation gained through the yoga are Vibhuti Pada.The last Patanjali Yoga Sutra chapter covers the path of devotion, Karma's path, and the path of wisdom. It covers the path of devotion.
According to Patanjali, the essence of yoga is the restriction of the changes of the mind. He wrote Ayurveda books, too. Yet the world still will be able to write very useful books, and to give the world the great yoga tradition.
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