Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link (USBRL), one of Indian Railways' most difficult ventures, has been a Jammu-Kashmir game changer! The last stretch of 111 kilometers from Katra to Banihal is under way. On the Indian Railway, the total length of the tunnels is 163 kilometers, 126 kilometers of which were completed. There are 37 bridges, 20 of which have been constructed already. The USBRL project includes the world's highest 359 meter high and 1315 meter long arch bridge on the Chenab River.

Within this 163 km long tunnel, 97 km of main tunnels and 66 km of escape tunnels are included. There are now 18 out of 27 main tunnels and two out of eight exhaust tunnels. New accessories have been found to create new faces for tunnel excavation simultaneously. There are currently six adits in operation and two new adits are being installed.

The project USBRL also includes the Anji Bridge building. It will be the first Indian Railway Bridge in the country with cables. The main length of the bridge is 290 feet, and 196 meters above the floor of the house. The single pylon is 193 meters long and 331 meters high above the well top. A total of 96 cables support the Anji Bridge.

Owing to the COVID-19 outbreak, the project progress has slowed. Nevertheless, the construction work is going on in the last stretch amid the continuing novel coronavirus pandemic. The central government controls the USBRL project so the lives of Jammu and Kashmir can be enhanced by integration with the whole of India.

Due to its inaccessible location, the USBRL project is scheduled for completion in December 2022 with numerous tasks to be completed.
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