Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan inagurated 34 new school buildings in various constituencies on Wednesday. The schools were established as part of the 100-day action plan of the ruling LDF government to boost the State's public education.These include eight Kozhikode schools, five in Kannur, four in Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam and Ernakulam , and also inaugurated three schools in Kottayam and two in Malappuram and Idukki, one in Alappuzha and Thrissur each.
The buildings are equipped with high-tech classrooms, kitchen blocks, dining areas, toilet blocks, science and computer labs etc. 22 buildings were constructed and turned over to the state earlier.
Kerala had set aside Rs 3,129 of crore in the school to establish basic facilities. The State plans to construct 250 new school buildings in various districts as part of the programme. Basic service is being made available in over 350 established schools. Government spends the money through the Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board.
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