Zohra Segal, an influential Indian actress and dancer, was honoured by Google on Tuesday who featured her on her homepage in a Doodle. The unique doodle has an animated illustration with a floral background in a classical dance pose. Zohra Segal is a special doodle created by the artist Parvati Pillai.
Zohra Segal, the legendary Indian actress and dancer, is one of the first female actors in the world to truly gain international recognition. A part of Segal 's notable early work was a role in the film "Neecha Nagar" ("Lowly City"), which was released at the Cannes Film Festival on that day in 1946.
Born in Saharanpur, India in April 27, 1912, Sahibzadi Zohra Begum Mumtaz-ullah Khan. In her early 20s and later international touring with Indian dancer Uday Shankar, she attended a prestigious ballet school in Dresden , Germany. After returning to India, she became an actress and, in 1945, joined the Association of the Indian People's Theater.
Segal moved to London, England, in 1962 and, over the next decades, gained an international reputation with roles in British Television classics including "Doctor Who," and the 1984 series of miniseries "The Jewel on the Crown." In 2002, the year of her 90th anniversary, Segal was featured in the film "Bend it Like Beckham" in her unforgettable role and acted well into her 90s.
Zohra Segal has received honours such as Padma Shri (1998), Kalidas Samman (2001) and Padma Vibhushan (2010).
When asked why this subject matter was significant to her, the artist Parvati Pillai replied: "Zohra Sehgal is admired for her success and loving personality over generations. Through her utter tenacity and infectious zeal from a very young age, she conquered social and cultural stereotypes. It's a source of inspiration for anyone who wants to pursue their own path, not just women everywhere! I grew up watching her as the evergreen granny, particularly in her twilight years, and was thrilled with her love of performing and dancing. She taught me how to have passion for my job and never be afraid of new challenges." reported by zeenews.
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