Teachers' Day is a special day for teachers to celebrate, which can include events to thank them for their unique achievements in a specific field area. Teacher's day has celebrated numerous dates worldwide. The Teachers Day has been celebrated in India since 1962, on Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan 's birthday (September 5).

The Teachers' Day is celebrated across India on every 5 September as an opportunity to recognise and acknowledge the efforts and hard work of our teachers in making us sophisticated and responsible individuals. Teachers' Day celebrations in school are certainly one of the best memories many of us can recall.

Check  collection of Happy Teachers Day  Wishes, Greetings, SMS / Text Messages, Pictures / Images, Teachers Day Quotes

Happy Teachers Day Wishes, Greetings, SMS / Text Messages, Pictures / Images, Teachers Day Quotes
A teacher is a person who always helps everybody to get the knowledge and always stands beside the students when they have problems. Thanks for being my teacher. Happy Teachers Day!!

Happy Teachers Day Wishes, Greetings, SMS / Text Messages, Pictures / Images, Teachers Day Quotes
You are not only our teacher
You are our friend, philosopher, and guide
All molded into one person
We will always be grateful for your support
Happy Teachers Day!

Happy Teachers Day Wishes, Greetings, SMS / Text Messages, Pictures / Images, Teachers Day Quotes
Teacher is lamp of nation. Teacher is only one person who serve society in real manner. Salute all teachers of nation.
Happy Teacher’s Day

Good teachers are had to find and we are really lucky to have you as our teacher. You made us want to become better students and better persons. That means a lot.

Happy Teachers Day Wishes, Greetings, SMS / Text Messages, Pictures / Images, Teachers Day Quotes
you were a mentor of life. Although I did not realize this before. Now it feels wonderful to have someone lead me in the right path in life.

Happy Teachers Day Wishes, Greetings, SMS / Text Messages, Pictures / Images, Teachers Day Quotes
The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.

Happy Teachers Day Wishes, Greetings, SMS / Text Messages, Pictures / Images, Teachers Day Quotes
The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called truth

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