The assurance of WhatsApp on privacy was put under the scanner. A few personal WhatsApp chat of the accused were leaked in the investigation leading to the death of famous Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Several individuals and media organisations began challenging the protection of encrypted chats on the Whatsapp.

The end-to - end encryption of WhatsApp means that only you and the person you chat to can read what you are sending. Nobody in between, not even WhatsApp, can read the messages. Messages are locked and only the receiver can open and read messages with the special key.

The public and private keys are created when you first open the WhatsApp. The process of encryption is performed on your own devices.The user must hold the private key, while the public key is passed to the recipient through the centralised WhatsApp server.And before reaching the central server, the public key encrypts the sender's message on the mobile.

Only the encrypted message is sent via the server. Only the private key of the recipient will open the code. No third part can intercept and read the post.If a hacker manages to access and read messages, the encryption would fail.

The only way to access chats by a third party is by uncontrolled access or through exchanging chats' screen shot. In addition, the WhatsApp user accounts are secured with biometric locks such as iPhone fingerprint sensors and FaceID.

According to WhatsApp they are removed from WhatsApp servers once the messages of the user have been sent. Chats, photographs , videos, voice messages and files are included. Messages can also be stored on the computer of each user.

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