COVID-19 tally of Kerala reached a one lakh on Friday with an addition of 2,988 fresh cases.Health Minister K Shailaja said that the state would continue "extreme vigil" in the coming days, as the everyday cases touch 3,000.
The toll reached 410, with 14 deaths reported by COVID-19 in the last few days.Of the positives 2,738 were infectious and 285 people were not aware about the source of the infection.Forty-five of those affected were from abroad and 134 had come from other states.
Fifty-two health workers were among those who tested positive today, the highest from Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur, each with 15.35,056 samples have been tested in the last 24 hours, and so far 20,53,801 samples have been sent for testing.
Health workers and all government machinery are tirelessly involved in fighting the disease, she said.While the Covid count reached the one lakh mark, the toll was only 410 and many have recovered, which speaks volumes about the excellent healthcare sector in the state, the minister said, adding this is also due to the health workers' sincere work.
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