The Plot Against America is an American alternative history television drama miniseries produced and written by David Simon and Ed Burns, based on Philip Roth 's 2004 novel of the same name, premiered on HBO on 16 March 2020
The Plot Against America is a novel written by Philip Roth in 2004. It is an alternate version, in which Charles Lindbergh beat Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1940 presidential election. During the Lindbergh presidency, the novel follows the fortunes of the Roth family, as antisemitism becomes more common in American life and Jewish-American families like the Roths are targeted on different levels.
From Roth's point of view the novel is told as a child growing up in Newark , New Jersey, as Herman's younger son and Bess Roth's.It starts with aviation hero Charles Lindbergh entering America First Faction, who is already being criticised for his support of Hitler 's government. As a spokesperson for the group, he speaks out against U.S. participation in World War II and criticises openly the "Jewish community" for attempting to compel US involvement. He is nominated as the Republican Party's presidential nominee after making a surprise appearance on the last night of the 1940 Republican National Convention.
Cast and characters
- Winona Ryder as Evelyn Finkel, Bess's older unmarried independently minded sister.
- Anthony Boyle as Alvin Levin, Herman's orphaned young adult nephew, who lives with him
- Zoe Kazan as Elizabeth "Bess" Levin, Herman's wife and stay-at-home mother
- Morgan Spector as Herman Levin, an insurance agent with a promising career, and an opinionated New Deal socialist
- David Krumholtz as Monty Levin, Herman's older brother, a successful fruit merchant.
- Caroline Kaplan as Anne Morrow Lindbergh
- Billy Carter as Walter Winchell
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