Indian Railways announced on Tuesday that it would operate more special trains, to increase the mobility of individuals between States and intra-State, as the country enters Unlock 4.0.


But the spokesperson for the Railway Ministry has not said how many trains will be added to the network.The announcement came in the midst of the Unlock 4 schedule that begins today until September 30. Under the new guidelines the government has loosened many restrictions across the country to further free up the economy in the midst of the pandemic.

Because of a national lockdown from 25 March the Indian railways suspended all passenger trains. However, it resumed services in a phased way, with Special Trains from Shramik helping stranded migrant workers enter their home states from May 1. 230 special trains began afterwards around the country as well. All other express trains for passengers and mail were left cancelled.

 Railway was ready to run more trains across the india, states like Jharkhand, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, among others, had asked Indian Railways to cancel some passenger trains, amid an increase in the number of covid-19 incidents.

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