Agastya is the author credited for many Rigveda hymns.The roots of Agastya-Pulastya, his father being one of the Rig Vedic Saptarishis.His miraculous rebirth follows a yajna created by gods Varuna and Mitra where Urvashi's celestial apsara appears.They are overcome by her incredible beauty, and they ejaculate. Their semen falls into a pitcher of mud which is the womb where Agastya's foetus develops.
He is born in some mythologies out of this pot, along with his twin sage Vashistha.This mythology gives him the name kumbhayoni, which means literally "he whose womb was a pot of mud".
The ascetic sage Agastya proposed to the princess Lopamudra, in the Vidharbha kingdom.Her parents were unable to bless the vow, worried that she would not be able to live Agastya's austere lifestyle in the forest.but Lopamudra accepted him as her husband.After the wedding, however, she demands that Agastya provide her with basic comforts before she completes the marriage, a demand which ends up forcing Agastya to return to society and earn money.Agastya and Lopamudra have a son, often called Idhmavaha, named Drdhasyu.
He is a noted recluse in the Indian tradition, and an important scholar in various Indian subcontinent languages.The author of many Sanskrit texts, such as the Agastya Gita found in Varaha Purana, Agastya Samhita found embedded in Skanda Purana and the Dvaidha-Nirnaya Tantra text, is historically credited to Agastya.The Agastya Samhita, a portion embedded in Skanda Purana, is also called the Sankara Samhita.Maharishi Agastya is considered the founder and patron saint of silambam and varmam-an ancient healing science using varmam points for various diseases and kalaripayat in the South.
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