When PM Narendra Modi appeared on TV screens at the end of March to declare a one-day voluntary curfew, he was his usual perfectly trimmed self.On the 5th of August, Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived at the Ram Janmabhoomi site in Ayodhya in the historic centre of the capital, to set the construction of the Grand Temple of Ram in motion, a fact which was not just the BJP 's political and socio-religious dream.
Dressed in traditional dress (dhoti and kurta), it was a caveman's appearance, with long hair and overgrown bar, that led Twitter on a field day. Dressed in traditional dress with saffron shades and mandatory facemask.The fashion police wanted to decode the look of the Prime Minister and even compared it with Shivaji Maharaj and Ertugrul .
Some claim that Modi is growing his beard because of the construction of the Ayodhya temple. They say he may have a promise to fulfil. But others suggest he wants to look like Sage Vasishta in a beard and white hair. So, this will remind people of the Sage Vasishtha when they see Modi. or is modis long beard a message for the people of the country ?
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