India's government banned 118 more applications in India on Wednesday, mostly chinese, including PUBG. The government added that the 118 apps were banned "due to the evolving existence of threats" and that there is information that "they are engaged in activities that are detrimental to India's sovereignty defence of India, state security and public order."The apps  includes PUBG MOBILE LITE, PUBG MOBILE Nordic Map: Livik, Baidu, Ludo, Music - Mp3 Player and several editing and racing platforms. 


The government said it is taking action against the applications that are read under Section 69A of the Information Technology Act with the related provisions of the 2009 Information Technology Regulations.

"In the interest of sovereignty and integrity of India, defence of India and security of the State. And using the sovereign powers, the Government of India has decided to block the usage of certain Apps, used in both mobile and non-mobile Internet enabled devices" ministry of information technology said.

This move would safeguard the rights of smartphone and internet users crores in IndiaThis decision is a targeted step to ensure Indian cyberspace safety, security and sovereignty.

In June, India's government banned 59 apps, including TikTok and SHAREit, and again in July, the previously banned apps added another 47 apps to the list for 'operating as the clones.'

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