Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan inaugurated the Anakkampoyil-Meppadi Tunnel Route, one of Kerala's most elite projects. It is Kozhikode and Wayanad 's longest tunnel road project and is in study in the last few years. It is expected that within three years the 6.8-kilometer-long tunnel road will finish.
The tunnel can bypass the famous Ghat Thamarassery Pass that connects Kozhikode and Wayanad.The 6.5-km tunnel will be the third longest in the country upon completion. The 962-metre tunnel at Kuthiran, between Thrissur and Palakkad, is Kerala's longest.
"Thamarassery passes through the forest region. So further development in the road has got limitations. The idea of the tunnel road developed after many discussions. There were allegations that the tunnel road would cause environmental hazards in the area. All studies and the construction will be done by Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (KRCL). The technical studies on this have started. There are many challenges like other roads, forest areas and fragile environments. We will also look into the possibility of natural disasters that can happen at Thiruvanbady and Kallady regions" said CM.
The CM said the overall project costs would cross approximately Rs 900 crores. In the first phase, Rs 658 crores have been allocated to Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board. The CM says that after the completion of surveys and other tests, the exact overall costs can be estimated only.
It will be 30 km shorter than the existing ghat road. The other road is underground. The project involves approach roads and a 70 metre bridge across the Iranjipuzha River.
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