Sometime around January 2021, Mahindra will launch its eKUV100. At the launch of the all-new Treo Zor electric commercial vehicle, Dr Pawan Goenka MD, Mahindra and Mahindra Limited officially re-established the launch timeline.

The 2020 Auto Expo debuted the Mahindra eKUV100 in its production form. On a single charge of its liquid-cooled lithium-ion battery pack, the eKUV will have a 150 km driving range.

A 15.9kW electric motor that is good for 54.4hp and 120Nm of torque is powering the eKUV. Mahindra claims that charging the vehicle with a normal charger would only take 6 hours. In less than an hour, however, a fast charger will do the same.

Mahindra has now announced that the preparations for the launch are now back on track. Over the next few months, Mahindra is gearing up to unleash a slew of electric vehicles on the Indian market.

Mahindra declared at the 2020 Auto Expo that the eKUV price will start from Rs 8.25 lakh, ex-showroom.The eKUV is based on the same KUV100 crossover model, which is currently on sale.The difference in appearances, particularly to the front, also gives the eKUV a district look compared to the model on which it is built.

Mahindra Electric's major customers include Lithium Urban Technologies, a Bangalore-based employee transportation firm that has clocked 100 + million ekilometers with Mahindra electric cars (eVerito and e20).

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