In Thiruvananthapuram and Kozhikode towns, in Kerala, Piaggio India has launched its all-electric three-wheeler, the Ape E-City. In December 2019 , the company introduced its electric three-wheeler range towards the end of last year, and although it was previously introduced in Kochi, Piaggio has now added the above-mentioned cities to the markets of Ape E-City electric vehicles.
The first 3-wheeler to have smart swapable batteries is the Ape 'E-City. In conjunction with Sun mobility, the swappable battery concept is being implemented. Customers can also experience an eco-system activated app to check battery charge status, locate swap stations, quickly recharge batteries without waiting time, etc.
The new Ape 'E-City, according to a company statement, comes with advanced Li-ion batteries, an automatic gearbox, no gear and clutch, safety doors and a complete digital cluster.
A warranty of 36 months/ 1 lakh km will be granted to Ape 'E-City clients. (Whichever is earlier) for 3 years along with free scheduled maintenance.
"We are very happy to launch Ape’ E-City for Thiruvananthapuram and Kozhikode market. We feel that there is a growing demand for electric autos which can give a better experience to commuters and tourists and increase the earnability of auto drivers. I feel E-City will further boost the employment opportunities for the people of Thiruvananthapuram and Kozhikode. " said Malind Kapur, Senior Vice President, Marketing and Channel Development, Piaggio Vehicles.
The Piaggio Ape E-City was India's first E-car to come with swapable battery technology, and it is available at a price of nearly 1.99 lakh ( ex-showroom) in Kerala.
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