Rahul Gandhi was arrested on Thursday after he and his sister Priyanka Gandhi had been stopped by the Uttar Pradesh Police near Greater Noida as they were on the way to meeting the family of a Dalit 20 year-old, four-man who was gangraped.
The two leaders accompanied a large number of congress members from Uttar Pradesh on their march in Hathras. The slogans against the government of UP were also raised.
He alleged he had been pushed by officers, and charged by baton and fell off to the ground after that. The woman died earlier this week at a hospital in Delhi.
"We have stopped them here. The Epidemic Act is being violated. We will not allow them to proceed forward"Noida ADCP Ranvijay Singh told NDTV.
After Uttar Pradesh police declined to let them go, Rahul Gandhi sat on the road with hundreds of supporters.
Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code in Hathras has been enforced by police and district boundaries have been sealed. The women 's family would be approached later in the day by a special investigation team
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