While shooting the upcoming Mission Impossible 7 film, Tom Cruise was recently seen riding a made-in-India BMW G 310 GS motorcycle. For the film, the actor had previously performed a cliff jump stunt.

Tom Cruise to ride made-in-India BMW G 310 GS in Mission Impossible 7

Tom Cruise is known for his death-defying stunts, and the sweet rides he 's taking while he's doing them. Via the Mission Impossible franchise, Cruise has performed his stunts on helicopters, aircrafts, vans, boats, fast cars, and of course, motorcycles.

Tom Cruise to ride made-in-India BMW G 310 GS in Mission Impossible 7

The actor was recently spotted riding a BMW G 310 GS bike while filming in Italy for the film. In case you didn't remember, the G 310 GS is manufactured in India at the TVS plant in Hosur for India and other foreign markets. Currently, the vehicle used by Tom Cruise in the film is the type used as a patrol vehicle by the Italian police. It has a different colour system, warning lights, and side panniers.

The G310 GS has been a huge success stories for BMW Motorrad, along with its naked streetfighter twin, the G310R. They are shipped from India and manufactured in Hosur at the manufacturing facility of TVS Motor Company. When they entered the Indian market with exorbitant price tags a few years ago, the entry-level Bimmers both raised eyebrows.

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