The BS6 compliant Xtreme 200S was launched by Hero MotoCorp on Tuesday. The new Hero Xtreme 200S is available in Sports Red, Panther Black and New Pearl Fadeless White colour schemes and is now priced at Rs.1.16 lakhs, which is about Rs.14,800 higher than its BS4 equivalent, priced at Rs.1,00,900.
A BS6 compliant, 199.6cc, 4-stroke, single-cylinder, PFI (programmed fuel injection), oil-cooled engine with XSens technology is now available for the Hero Xtreme 200S. The engine produces maximum power of 17.8bhp and peak torque of 16.4Nm and is mated to a 5-speed constant mesh transmission.
On a diamond-type frame sits the latest Xtreme 200S BS6. Telescopic front forks and a 7-step rear adjustable mono-shock are available. With tubeless tyres, the 17-inch alloy wheels are covered. The front (276mm) and rear (220mm) each have a disc.
Features such as the twin LED headlamp, LED position lamp and LED tail lamp are offered for the revised Xtreme 200S. With a black housing and LED backlight device, it gets LED DRLs. The features also include sharp mirrors and an all-digital LCD instrument panel with speed and tacho readings along with a gear position indicator at the top right corner of the screen and an engine problem display. The rider can use Bluetooth to sync the system and switch on the instrument panel via turn-by-turn navigation and call alerts.
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