If you have a product web page, you would like to be able to make a useful video with all the details to offer customers. You do not have the money, however, to hire someone to do it. To resolve that, the AI team at Google is working on a future solution that transforms web pages into videos automatically.
This AI-based tool, dubbed URL2Video, has been developed by the Google AI team to help users automatically convert simple web pages into creative marketing videos.
The Mountain View-based software giant says they have developed this tool specifically for those who want to quickly and easily create marketing videos from scratch.
"Creating marketing videos from scratch can be challenging, especially when designing for multiple platforms with different viewing criteria. We present URL2Video, an automatic approach that converts a web page into a short video given temporal and visual constraints."
You can change colours and style once the video is generated to regenerate the footage according to your needs.
URL2Video extracts a web page 's numerous main elements, such as fonts, text, colors, and templates. The design engine of the tool then takes these visual elements and uses constraint programming to arrange them to make a video in shots.
The team behind the project claims that different designers have been consulted to learn about the design process. Then they compared URL2Video's automatically created output with the designers' development.
Google isn't the only organisation working on this. Baidu has developed and rolled out an AI with a limited capacity that can use a single URL to produce news videos with voice over.
Source: Beebom
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