Apple, the electronics giant known for its iPhones, also plans to launch its own Apple car with a breakthrough battery technology, The company will build self driving cars which is expected to hit 2024.

With 'Project Titan', Apple's attempt to join the self-driving car arena dates back to 2014. The company built its own vehicle from scratch, but with the project being brought to a standstill in 2017, plans to concentrate on software had to be withdrawn. The objective is now to develop a consumer vehicle and create self-driving automotive technology and the aim is to launch the passenger vehicle with its own breakthrough in battery technology in 2024.

However, two individuals close to the situation reported that the new car would sport some revolutionary technologies, including a new battery design. For the time being, electric cars are mainly powered by lithium-ion batteries. The company is, however, experimenting with the concept of phosphate batteries for lithium-iron. Unlike lithium-ion, this chemistry allows for a lower risk of overheating, which carries the risk of combustion if not properly built or packaged.

But in terms of building new supply chains that could allow it to manufacture vehicles rather than electronic devices, the project will come with challenges and take Apple beyond its comfort zone.

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