Indian Railways passengers who have been accommodated on side lower berths find it unpleasant throughout the train journey. The explanation being that there is an uneven distance when the seats are felled and due to this the passengers find it uneasy when sleeping.
New design innovations have been implemented by the national transporter to the side of lower berths. A video was recently posted on Twitter, according to numerous news sources, where the newly revolutionary concept of side lower berths was clarified by an official.
A cushioned sideboard has been implemented by the railways to solve this problem. It is possible to position this side board on the felt berth. It provides the passengers with a continuous and smooth surface and there is also more surface area than what the legacy berths have provided.
This new innovation has been implemented in the AC Two Tier LHB coach, as per a report, which can be guessed by the presence of a reading lamp that is available in that class as a feature.
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