On Saturday, the Kerala Police released photos of two young people who allegedly harassed a famous young female actor at an upscale shopping mall near Kochi on Thursday.
"The visuals of the two accused at the shopping mall and at the metro station have been uploaded on the police website so that all the police stations in the state can access them," Circle Inspector of Police of Kalamassery Police Station, Santhosh PR, told TNM.
When this incident took place, the actress was accompanied by her family members and the police have by now taken a statement from her mother to this effect, as she is busy in a film shooting.
She wrote in her Insta account, "Two men passed by me in a less crowded place in the mall, and one of them not so accidentally grazed his hand on my back."
It was after the media taking up the matter that the police and the Kerala State Women's Commission decided to take up the case suo motu.
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