The Tiger Electric, India's first field-ready electric tractor, was introduced by Sonalika at an introductory price of Rs 5.99 lakh (ex-showroom). Designed in Europe, this tractor boasts the latest solutions in global technology and is the first electric tractor in the region.
The Sonalika Group has announced the launch of Tiger Electric bookings. Customers can make booking at all company dealerships across India for the electric tractor. It is said that the Tiger electric tractor is powered by a compact 25.5kW natural-cooling battery. It is said that the Sonalika Tiger electric powertrain provides a top speed of 24.9 km/h. The battery pack also ensures at all times that there is 100% torque, allowing quicker pick-up under any loading conditions.
"Sonalika Tractors has always been at the forefront of innovation and continue to offer best in class technology to the farmers across the globe, especially Europe and the USA. Our promise to every Indian farmer to constantly provide technological evolutions to enhance farm productivity and profitability comes packaged with Tiger Electric, where we have bridged the gap between concept and being field-ready while keeping pace with global benchmarks in farm mechanisation technology. It is built on the proven tractor platform of Sonalika to guarantee farmer friendliness and remains easy to use as we progress towards an emission-free, greener tomorrow," Sonalika Group Executive Director Raman Mittal said.
The manufacturer also claimed that it wants to provide technological advances to increase farm productivity and profitability, taking the latest technologies to India from the global markets. The production of the electric tractor in India also falls in line with the 'Make-in-India' initiative of the government, along with its ambitious objective of shifting to EVs by 2030.
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