Sri Swayambhu Siddhivinayak temple is situated in Rejinthal village of Nyalakal mandal in Sangareddy District.  As the lord is facing south, he is decorated with Sindhoor same like Hanuman. About 208 years ago the temple was built,now temple is maintained by Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam authorities.

The Sri Siddhivinayaka temple is 205 years old, and it is said and believed that the size of Lord Ganesha's idol grows bigger every year.

History of Sri Swayambhu siddhivinayak temple

Growing Ganapathi Temple - Sri Swayambhu Siddhivinayak Temple Rejinthal

Once upon a time, when there was a dense forest, a tourist named Shivaram Pantulu came to Rejinthal.He felt very happy from the inside out once he arrived at this place, so he meditated for a few days. The Lord appeared during meditation and told them to create a temple and conduct regular rituals. The name siddhi indicates success. People who visit this temple are granted success.

Every year, the Ganesh Chvithi festival is  celebrated. Sri siddhivinayak's birthday is celebrated every year from Pushya Suddha Padyam to Pushya Suddha Chaturthi.

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