It is a 14-minute projection show mapped on the largest bust sculpture in the world, the 112-foot Adiyogi at the Isha Yoga Center just outside Coimbatore city in Tamil Nadu. Accompanied by a narration on Adiyogi, the first yogi, in the voice of Sadhguru, the spellbinding show attracts thousands of visitors to the Yoga Center on weekends.

Adiyogi Divya Darshanam was unveiled to the public in 2019 during Mahashivaratri by President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind. Over 350,000 spectators watched the inaugural show on the towering 112-foot statue.

One of the largest and most sacred festivals in the country, Mahashivratri provides a unique opportunity to draw on the forces of nature for one’s well-being. Sadhguru says that the planetary positions of the Mahashivratri night (March 11) are such that there is a natural upsurge of energy in the human system. For this reason, it is beneficial to remain awake, conscious and keep the spine erect all through the night.

With an explosion of meditations, colors, and chanting of devotional songs, the Mahashivratri celebrations at the Isha Yoga Centre are an immersive spiritual experience. Ordinarily, lakhs of people from across the world gather over the course of the night-long celebrations. However, participants will largely join the event online as a result of Covid-19 protocols issued by the Central and State governments

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