The sengol from Tamil Nadu that Jawaharlal Nehru used at the moment of Independence would be moved to the new Parliament building, the Union government unexpectedly announced. The last time the sengol was seen in public was in 1947 when Kumaraswamy Thambiran, the deputy head of the Thiruvaduthurai Adheenam, a well-known Saivite temple, gave it to India's first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru.

What is the sengol’s history?

The sengol is referred to as a representation of a just and kind ruler in numerous ancient Tamil scriptures. Sengol is considered to be the symbol of justice, transfer of power, and good governance. The sceptre serves as a symbol of India's illustrious past and vibrant culture. Its ancestors were followers of the Chola dynasty, one of India's most significant and powerful empires. 

It is a sceptre crafted of gold and silver that has numerous valuable stones set into it. The Sengol is five feet long and is topped with a golden orb. The engraving on the sphere depicts Nandi, a bull that is sacred to Lord Shiva. 

On May 28, PM Modi will install the historic sceptre within a glass case next to the Speaker's seat in the new Parliament building.

'Adheenams' (priests from Shaivite mutts in Tamil Nadu), Vummidi Bangaru Jewellers, who were tasked with the making of the historic Sengol, and those who built the new Parliament building will be honoured on May 28.

"Twenty Adheenam pontiffs from Tamil Nadu have been invited for the ceremony on May 28. Thevaram (devotional hymns sung in praise of Lord Shiva) will also be recited on that day," the finance minister further said.

The History And Significance Of The Sengol To Be Placed In The New Parliament Complex

Amit Shah states, “Even after 75 years of independence, most of the people in India are not aware of this event in which India's transfer of power took place through handing over of Sengol to Pt Jawaharlal Nehru. 

“It was a special occasion on the night of August 14, 1947, celebrating India's independence. On this night Jawaharlal Nehru received the 'Sengol' from the Adheenams (Priests) of the ThiruvaduthuraiAdheenam (Mutt) in Tamil Nadu, who had specially arrived for the occasion. 

“It was precisely the moment in which power was transferred by the British into the hands of Indians. What we are celebrating as independence is actually marked by the very moment of handing over the 'Sengol'.” 

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